Through the Lens
Welcome to my photography portfolio, and thank you for visiting. I invite you to explore my site to learn more about me, the types of photography I do and examples of past projects. If you’d like to discuss any topics related to these, don't hesitate to get in touch.
A view onto the world
I have hesitated about setting up a website for my photographic endeavours for a long time. This is a hobby not a professional activity and there is much that I don't know about photography and image making. I know what I want, how I want to set up the elements in a composition but I feel I seldom achieve it. I do try, though!
I have said elsewhere that in good measure what I aim at is not necessarily to show the world 'as it is' -it might be that such a thing is impossible, but what my perception of a particular moment in that world may be. We do not perceive the world directly, we mediate it through our senses and what our mind makes of those perceptions based on our make up and experience. So there even before we take the photograph there already is a filter. I aim at showing a little bit of that window onto the world.
This site's layout and contents are very much provisional and will change as I get a clearer idea of what I want to show and the way I may want to do it.